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A New ThunderBird for 2012

  • Published
  • By Capt. Elaine Nowak
  • 107th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Officer
Call it a sign of the times, but the world wants information and they want it now. We must change our old ways to keep up with this pace. As you know we publish all of our news stories, written and video, directly to our public website: and Facebook (107th Airlift Wing NYANG). These are venues to tell our story to the world and to get news out quickly.

The ThunderBird has changed to a quarterly edition. It will be published in March, June, September, and December (spring, summer, fall and winter issues). This will take some advanced planning to get articles, columns, and wing events published in the quarterly newsletter.We value your opinions.

Please feel free to drop us a line at our e-mail address: (107AW/PA TBIRD in the Outlook address book).

If you have a story of interest you‟d like to share, please e-mal or call us and let us know (236-2394 or 3279). We want to be able to share the Airman‟s story and the great things the 107th Airlift Wing is accomplishing. Please help us in telling YOUR story.