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Physical Training

  • Published
  • By SMSgt Ray Lloyd
  • 107th Airlift Wing
Saturday morning of the August drill, members of the 107th Airlift Wing gathered at the base fitness center for their annual Physical Training (PT) test. The new Air Force test involves waist measurements, pushups, sit ups, and the 1 1/2 mile run. It's in its second year of the program. " There is still some belly aching, but most are now understanding what needs to be done and they do it", said 2nd Lt. Mike Loncar, Base Training Officer. (PT) is our new way of life in the Guard and it's not going away. The Air Guard is required to test once a year. Still our Air Force active and Reserve brethren have to test twice a year. Niagara fitness center is available to work out during on and off duty hours. When the weather is good, the track is a place to get you ready for the mile and half run. To map your progress, the unit's website has a quick link. "This is the second year and the PT program is working out great for the 107th" said 1st Lt. Andrew Rodgers Manpower and Personnel Officer.

PT needs to be worked it into our daily lifestyles. If you're having problems in a particular area, ask for help and work at it slowly. Set daily, weekly and monthly goals. To get better at pushups keep doing them regularly as with sit ups. Fit a little exercise into your daily routine; walk to a coworker's desk instead of sending an e-mail. Remember Blues Mondays not the music or your mood, we need to look sharp in them. We must be fit for exercises as well as deployments; we are still fighting the war on terror.

Experts say you'll feel better about yourself and are more motivated on your job. Daily you will see our members making it a part of their daily routine working out at the fitness center. Being a good wingman is what we here all the time; help each other on our PT." can be as challenging as you want it to be and you have to challenge yourself and suppress previous goals" said Master Sgt. Melissa Shenefiel the Resource Management Noncommissioned Officer in Charge.